13 Signs that Wisdom is Overtaking Your Life
When wisdom arrives…
1)You realize the true source of anger and divisiveness and find ways to heal it within yourself. Anger is triggered when you are reminded of some old psychological wound from your past. Someone can say something in innocence that has nothing to do with you, but because your wound is unhealed you point a finger outside of yourself and blame the other person for your upset. Divisiveness is just one symptom of unhealed wounds and repeated anger. Wisdom is finding a qualified therapist to help you discover your wounds and heal them. Wisdom helps you know that someone’s differing belief or opinion is not a personal affront.
2)You understand that caring for you body and mind and treating yourself with kindness, compassion, and healthful choices is at the same time healing the world. When you have unhealed wounds there is a tendency to play an endless tape of shaming, blaming, self-incriminating thoughts in your mind. In turn, you are likely to impose shame and blame on others. Heal your wounds and you will find you are kinder and more compassionate toward others. The world is healed one person at a time. Wisdom shows you that world peace begins with you.
3)Listening to someone else’s story may be more important than telling your own. Far too often we listen just enough to be able to reply. We love to hear ourselves talk. When we listen to someone else and really hear what they are telling us, they feel heard and cared about. As we listen we learn that others are so much like ourselves. Bonds form and wisdom shows us there is no separation between us except for that which we allow in our minds.
4)You begin to see the other person as yourself and live in empathy. Envisioning the little child within the adult is a great way to build empathy. When you listen with conscious intention and learn that others experience struggles, joys, victories, and sorrow, just as you do, a bridge is formed where you begin to feel empathy. Wisdom embodies empathy and closes the gap between Oneness and separation.
5)You want happiness for others as much as you want it for yourself. Once you have empathy for others, see them as sweet children inside adult bodies, and see them as wanting happiness just as you do. If there is something you can do to help them achieve a goal or complete a challenge, it becomes easy to make their happiness a priority when wisdom steps in.
6)You realize that you cannot change anyone and know that people CAN change if they want to. All the words in the world will not convince a person to change, even if the change would improve their life. Wisdom tells you that the best way to guide someone to the desire to change is to set an example.
7)You no longer crave “stuff.” In youth, so many of us hold a fascination with our first experience with buying power. We think happiness comes from how much money we can make and how much we can acquire. Wisdom shows you how stuff can weigh you down and stuff in no way is the source of your happiness.
8)You realize the value of gratitude. Gratitude helps you see what you already have instead of focusing on what you don’t have. Gratitude expands your perception of abundance.
9)You find peace in simple pleasures. If you have been on the track of achievement and “doing” for much of your life, there may come a time when you crave simplicity. With many of your old wounds and associated behaviors healed, wisdom guides you to allow simplicity back into your life. You give yourself permission to read a book, take a nap, soak in a warm scented tub, sit at the edge of a lake, or walk at a slower pace through the forest.
10)You realize the extraordinary wisdom of children. You are no longer raising children and appreciate their youthful exuberance when they are in your presence. You listen for those little tidbits of wisdom that spring from their mouths. Children speak the truth, however uncomfortable that may make some of us feel. A child’s truth can be a jumping off place for us to heal any untruths we tell ourselves. They remind us to look at life with wonder and possibility and to not take ourselves too seriously.
11)You know and value the Earth and all her inhabitants as equal and necessary participants in the cycles of life and you treat them with the love and respect you wish to receive for yourself. Wisdom shows you that we need to keep our Earth home clean and sustainable for life to continue. Wisdom teaches you to do everything you can to recognize that every creature and every human showed up here for a purpose. We’re all in this together!
12)You practice what you preach. Life is no longer about what you wish other people would do. You do what you believe is right for the greater whole.
13)Agape Love and compassion take precedence in your life. You understand that no one is perfect. If necessary, you love from a distance those who refuse to look at themselves and therefore continue to inflict injury and pain on themselves and others. Wisdom knows that to allow someone to repeat angry reactive behavior, even though you have talked with them about how much the behavior hurts both of you, is teaching them that it’s okay. Wisdom forgives and moves on.
Wisdom most often reveals itself with age and it is up to us to embrace it and employ it in our lives.
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