To Honor Your Elders is to Honor Yourself
Today I honor our elders. Our culture that favors youth and diminishes those in later stages of life needs a revamp. So much wisdom is missed when not holding our elders in high esteem.
I am so thankful my parents showed me the value of older people! They volunteered at nursing homes and made vibrant friendships from the time I was a tot. Though I lost my blood grandparents quite young, I had more “adopted” grandparents, mostly women, than anyone I know. I don’t remember all the names now, but the kind gestures remain decades after they went to the spirit world…women who cooked us meals when my mom was ill and who took extra time to emotionally nurture me. Women who I admired for their fortitude and humor after tremendous losses. Women who inspired me with their artistic talents and youthful spirits. Women who stayed in touch and wrote long letters well after my family had moved away. One, who I called “The Medicine Woman” and who was highly respected in her town for successful treatments of serious illnesses, taught me many of her secret healing techniques and coached me in my early days of massage therapy.
Do you have any elder-folk in your life? I speak from experience when I suggest you sit down and listen to whatever they have to say if you haven’t already. If we are lucky we will all be there one day so why not set the stage now? You may be surprised by the humor, wisdom, and spiritual gifts they offer and I’d love to hear what you discover!
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